They don’t actually make you shrink or take a life away, but they are freaky and try to hit you. You will now find yourself in the strangely colorful and now extremely creepy world of Mario, where the water is blood and the Goombas are zombies wearing costumes. This is fairly easy, because it has a good old Mario style green pipe inside it, and a pop up that tells you where you’ll be going. Once you find yourself on the correct rooftop, you need to find the correct chimney. Don’t worry about those pesky zombies crowding the streets, where we’re going we don’t need roads… Just watch out for those runners that like to hang out on rooftops. Thanks, Andy! Doesn’t he look excited for this? Now just fast travel over to Old Town and make your way down to the south-west corner of the map. These weapons and items are often hidden behind secret activities you must complete or locations you must visit. Andy, if you would kindly show the audience where this poster is. Updated Febru5:49 PM In Dying Light 2 there are a number of hidden weapons and items players can find by looking off the beaten path.You’ll want to head on up to the shop and find the poster that brings you to Old Town (If you have it unlocked). We’ll start off nice and simple, right at the apartment complex safe house.

If you’ve never seen the Mario level in Dying Light get ready for the juxtaposition of the century. So strap on your running shoes and grab your machete rigged with batteries and barbed wire… we’re going hunting… for a chimney. This time we’ve got a good old Mario reference in a game that’s about as far away from Mario as one can get. Welcome back to Easter Egg hunt where we spend way too much time trying to remember where Easter Eggs are before giving up and looking up a map!